2025-02-03 GFD seminar Spring 2025 @National Park Resort KYUKAMURA SHIKOTSUKO (March 14-17, 2025) (Japanese page only)
2025-02-03 CPS/WTK & ABC workshop "地球型惑星気候を多角的に考える" CPS, Hokkaido Univ./Online (February 20,21,25, 2025)(Japanese page only)
2025-01-06 CPS Seminar,Kana Moriwaki(RESCEU, the University of Tokyo) "Analysis of large-scale structure data with deep learning" (January 17, 2025)
Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh (Kobe University) and his collaborators Junichi Baba (Kagoshima University) and Takuji Tsujimoto (NAOJ) conducted numerical simulations to study the Sun's motion and environmental changes. Their simulations showed that the Sun was born 4.6 billion years ago in the inner regions of the Milky Way galaxy and migrated from this hazardous zone of frequent supernovae and gamma-ray bursts to its current safer location in the outer regions.
2024-12-12 CPS Seminar,Hideaki Mouri (Japan Weather Association / Meteorological Research Institute) "Recent progress in boundary layer turbulence research and its application to numerical weather prediction" (January 21, 2025)
2024-11-14 Workshop for the Feasibility Studies on Next-Generation Supercomputing Infrastructures @Ito Hall, The University of Tokyo/Online (December 27, 2024) (Japanese page only)
2024-10-28 Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences (FDEPS) (November 26-29, 2024)
2024-10-21 CPS Seminar, Michiko Fujii (University of Tokyo) "Formation of intermediate-mass black holes in forming star clusters" (November 1, 2024)
2024-10-03 In the Japanese Society for Planetary Science 2024 Autumn meeting, the Ph.D student Tenri Jinno received the Best Presentation Award for "Global N-body simulation of planetary formation: The origins of ice giants". (Japanese page only)
2024-10-01 CPS Seminar, Shin-ichi Takehiro (Kyoto University) "Atmospheric dynamics of Jovian planets and recent numerical models" (October 11, 2024)
2024-09-24 CPS Seminar, Kohei Fujita (University of Tokyo) "Accelerating implicit unstructured finite-element seismic simulation with data-driven methods" (October 10, 2024)
2024-08-07 CPS Seminar, Yuta Kawai (RIKEN) "Development of an atmospheric dynamical core based on the discontinuous Galerkin method considering future high-resolution atmospheric simulations" (September 2, 2024)
2024-07-26 CPS Seminar, Jeremy Karam (University of Tokyo) " The Dynamical Imprints of Hierarchical Star Cluster Assembly" (August 1, 2024)
2024-07-22 FDPS Workshop (C++, Fortran) @CPS/Online (September 6 ,2024) (Japanese page only)
2024-07-02 In the HPCI Software Award 2024, the group of Prof. Makino received the excellent award for the development of FDPS (Framework for Developing Particle Simulators) and the group of Associate Prof. Saitoh received the encouragement award for the development of ASURA+BRIDGE. (Japanese page only)
2024-06-17 CPS Seminar, WATANABE Sei-ichiro (Nagoya University) "Fomation process of the Solar System as revealed by the Hayabusa2 mission" (July 26, 2024)
2024-05-31 Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh (Kobe University) and collaborators Michiko Fujii (University Tokyo), Long Wang (Sun Yat-Sen University), Ataru Tanikawa (Fukui Prefectural University) and Yutaka Hirai (Tohoku University) conducted star cluster formation simulations that resolve individual stars. These simulations reveal that supermassive stars form in the clusters through stellar collisions and then they evolve into intermediate-mass black holes.
2024-05-20 GFD Seminar, U Kenyo(University of Tokyo) "Evolution of the lunar interior caused by magmatism and mantle convection" Online by Zoom (Japanese page only) (June 6, 2024)
2024-05-17 GFD Seminar, OGASAWARA Koji(Kyoto University) "Discretization methods using radial basis functions for the atmospheric dynamical core" Online by Zoom (Japanese page only) (June 3, 2024)
2024-05-17 CPS Seminar, IWASAKI Kazunari (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) "Dynamics near the inner Dead-zone edges in a protoplanetary disk" (June 3, 2024)
2024-05-17 The 14th meeting on Cosmic Dust @Nagoya University (August 5-9, 2024)
2024-04-23 CPS Seminar, KAMEYAMA Masanori (Ehime University)"2-D numerical experiments of thermal convection of highly viscous fluids under strong adiabatic compression: Implications for mantle convection of super-Earths" (May 9, 2024)
2024-03-01 Workshop on Venus and other related atmospheres @CPS/Online (March 25-29, 2024)
Vice director Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi's final lecture (language: Japanese) @Convention hall & Online (March 30, 2024)
2024-02-22 Job Opening: CPS Secretary[pdf] (Closing date for application: March 22, 2024)(Japanese page only)
2024-02-21 GFD seminar2024 Special Program @National Park Resort KYUKAMURA SHIKOTSUKO (March 15-19, 2024) (Japanese page only)
2024-02-21 CPS/WTK & ABC workshop "生命の起源と進化を規定した惑星表層環境を考える" CPS/Online (March 7, 2024)(Japanese page only)
2024-02-08 GFD seminar "データ駆動型乱流研究に対する力学系的アプローチ" Online by Zoom (February 19, 2024)
2024-02-08 GFD seminar "Convection in solids with melting and freezing at either or both boundaries" Online by Zoom (February 8, 2024)
2024-02-01 CPS Seminar, YOSHIDA Yuki (University of Tokyo) "dust monomer interactions explored by molecular dynamics simulations" (February 13, 2024)
2024-01-05 CPS Seminar, BABA Junichi (Kagoshima University/ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) "Towards unraveling the origins and orbital changes of the Solar System within the Milky Way" (January 16, 2024)
2023-12-04 CPS Seminar, HAMANO Yozo (Kobe University) "Probing the electrical conductivity heterogeneity in the lowermost mantle" (December 8, 2023)
2023-11-22 Workshop for the Feasibility Studies on Next-Generation Supercomputing Infrastructures @Takeda Hall, The University of Tokyo/Online (December 19, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2023-11-16 Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh, who is a member of Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Structure and Evolution of the Universe Unraveled by Fusion of Simulation and AI) and collaborators, Junichi Baba (Kagoshima University) and Takuji Tsujimoto (NAOJ), studied the enrichment process of the primary elements in the MilkyWay galaxy and found that the Sun's birthplace would be the inner region of the Milky Way galaxy compared to its current position. This model also predicts the distribution of the elements of the planetary materials in time and space. According to this, stars in the inner part of the Milkyway galaxy is more likely to host massive planets, while those in the outer part are more likely to form water-rich planets. (Japanese page only)
2023-10-31 CPS Seminar, MATSUSHIMA Toshiki (Kobe University) "Overcoming computational challenges to realize meter- to submeter-scale resolution in cloud simulations using the super-droplet method" (November 7, 2023)
2023-10-24 Mr. Keiya Hirashima, who is a graduate student of the University of Tokyo and a member of Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Structure and Evolution of the Universe Unraveled by Fusion of Simulation and AI) and collaborators have developed a new method to reproduce the result of the simulation of the expansion of the Supernova shell using deep learning.
2023-10-18 Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences (FDEPS) (November 27-December 1, 2023)
2023-10-12 CPS Seminar, HIRASHIMA Keiya (Tokyo University) "Surrogate Modeling for Computationally Expensive Simulations of Supernovae in High-Resolution Galaxy Simulations" (October 19, 2023)
2023-10-03 CPS Seminar, TSUNASHIMA Ryuta (Kobe University) "OpenACC for MN-Core" (October 10, 2023)
2023-09-29 Planetary Atmospheric Seminar (WTK) 123th Online Seminar (October 2, 2023)
2023-09-14 Associate Prof. Tomoaki Ishiyama (Chiba University) who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), and collaborators have determined the relation between the mass and number of clusters of galaxies using the member galaxies of the clusters.
2023-08-23 CPS Seminar, OKUZUMI Satoshi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Coupled evolution of solids and thermal structure in planet-forming disks" (September 12, 2023)
2023-08-02 CPS Seminar, MIYAHARA Hiroko (Musashino Art University) "Identifying the influence of galactic cosmic rays on the climate system" (September 29, 2023)
2023-07-14 FDPS Workshop (C++, Fortran) @CPS/Online (September 8 ,2023) (Japanese page only)
2023-07-07 Research by collaborators of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets) led by Director Makino will be introduced on
NHK BS Premium "Cosmic Front" scheduled to be broadcast from 10:00 pm on Thursday, July 13th.(Japanese page only)
2023-07-05 Past and Future of Simulation Astrophysics @CPS (September 4-6, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2023-05-22 Frontier Seminar in Pranetary Science 2023 @Shin-shinotsu Onsen Tappu-no-yu (September 4-7, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2023-05-09 The 13th meeting on Cosmic @Kitakyushu International Conference Center (August 7-11, 2023)
2023-05-17 CPS Seminar, HAYASAKA Tadahiro(Tohoku University)"Decreasing Trend and Hemispheric Symmetry of Earth's Albedo" (July 4, 2023)
2023-05-17 CPS Seminar, NOMURA Hideko(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)"Planet-Forming Disks Explored by ALMA Observations" (June 1, 2023)
2023-05-02 Prof. Hideyuki Hotta (Nagoya University), who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer "Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), received HPCI Software Award from High-Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI) Consortium for the development of R2D2(Radiation and RSST for Deep Dynamics). (Japanese page only)
2023-05-02 Associate Prof. Kengo Tomida(Tohoku University), who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer "Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), received HPCI Software Award from High-Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI) Consortium for the development of Athena++. (Japanese page only)
2023-04-17 CPS Seminar, MORI Shoji(Tohoku University)"Thermal structure of the protoplanetary disks probed by
magneto-hydrodynamic simulations" (April 24, 2023)
2023-04-10 Associate Prof. Kengo Tomida(Tohoku University), who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer "Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), received Awards for the Young Scientists' Award of the 2023 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, respectively. (Japanese page only)
2023-04-07 MODEST-23 JM @OIST Seaside House(April 17-19,2023)
2023-03-27 CPS Seminar, TERADA Noki(Tohoku University)"DSMC simulations of an extended planetary atmosphere" ,
YOSHIDA Tatsuya(Tohoku University) "Hydrodynamic escape and evolution of a reduced proto-atmosphere on Earth" (April 3, 2023)
2023-03-22 Workshop on data analyses and numerical methods for geophysical fluids @Hokkaido University/Online(March 29-30,2023 ) (Japanese page only)
2023-03-03 CPS & ABC Workshop :
Consideration on climates of terrestrial type planetsfrom researches of Earth's ancient climate @CPS/Online (March 10, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2023-02-14 Joint Workshop on Feasibility Studies on Next-Generation Supercomputing Infrastructures - Toward Development of Next Generation High Performance Computing Infrastructure
@Congres Square Nihonbashi/Online (February 22, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2023-01-27 Job Opening: CPS Secretary[pdf] (Closing date for application: February 27, 2023)(Japanese page only)
2023-01-19 High Performance Computing Physics workshop @CPS(February 8, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2022-12-28 CPS Seminar, HYODO Ryuki(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science,(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)"Asteroid & Outer Solar System Explorations Planet Formation Theory" (February 7, 2023)
2022-12-28 CPS Seminar, GENDA Hidenori(Professor Earth-Life Science Institute Tokyo Institute of Technology)"Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission" (January 17, 2023)
2022-12-27 GFD/CPS seminar "Solar fast equator mystery: Our challenge with high-resolution simulations" @Online by Zoom (February 9, 2023) (Japanese page only)
2022-12-05 "Mars Atmosphere Simulation with Fugaku" is now available on Monthly JICFuS. (Japanese page only)
2022-11-15 Symposium on Supercomputer Fugaku Accelerates Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, and Planetary Science (December 12-13, 2022)(Japanese page only
2022-11-14 Dr. Yutaka Hirai (Tohoku University), Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh and Prof. Junichiro Makino (Kobe University), who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), and collaborators have discovered the birthplace of the stars that produced some of these heavier elements.
2022-11-08 Planetary Atmospheric Seminar (WTK) 117th Online Seminar November 8, 2022)
2022-10-20 Job Opening: Project Associate Professorship at Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science / CPS, Kobe Univ.[pdf] (Closing date for application: November 4, 2022)(Japanese page only)
2022-10-19 CPS Seminar, ENDO Katsuhiro (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,)"PIKG/MN-Core: Compier for particle-particle interaction calculation on MN-Core" (October 28, 2022)
2022-08-31 CPS Seminar, SASAKI Takanori (Kyoto University) "Uranian Satellite Formation by Giant Impact" (October 7, 2022)
2022-08-24 Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices (ICD) (September 16, 2022)(Japanese page only)
2022-08-04 FDPS Workshop ((C++, Fortran) (September 9, 2022)(Japanese page only)
2022-08-04 CPS Seminar, KUROSAKI Kenji (Nagoya University) "Atmosphere Loss by a Giant impact on Earth-like planet with a massive atmosphere" (August 30, 2022)
2022-08-01 Workshop on recent trends toward digital twins of the Earth @Online (August 18, 2022)
2022-07-14 Frontier Seminar in Pranetary Science 2022 @Lakeside Sakuraoka, Hokkaido (September 26-29, 2022) (Japanese page only)
2022-06-30 CPS Seminar, MIYOSHI Makoto (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) "Is the EHTC "ring" image of M87 black hole real? --- Results of independent analysis of the EHTC data ----." (July 29, 2022)
2022-06-22 CPS Seminar, YOSHIDA Satoru (Japan Meteorological Agency)"Development of water vapor lidars and its application for improving heavy precipitation forecasts" (July 19, 2022)
2022-06-08 Associate Prof. Michiko Fujii (University of Tokyo) and Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh (Kobe University), who is a member of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), and collaborators have reproduced the motion of stars in the Orion Nebula with a new high-precision simulation code for star cluster formation.
2022-05-31 CPS Seminar, TOMITA Hirofumi (RIKEN Center for Computational Science) "Model development from the global cloud resolving model to the global large eddy simulation model " (June 24, 2022)
2022-05-12 Dr. Tomohisa Kawashima (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo), who is a member of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), and collaborators have revealed first image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy.
2022-05-06 Prof. Kanya Kusano (Nagoya University) and Associate Prof. Hideyuki Hotta (Chiba University), who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer "Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), received Awards for Science and Technology (Research Category) and the Young Scientists' Award of the 2022 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, respectively. (Japanese page only)
2022-04-25 Job Opening: CPS Secretary[pdf] (Closing date for application: May 16, 2022)(Japanese page only)
2022-04-25 Data Assimilation Lecture @hybrid (April 28, 2022)
2022-04-01 Associate Professor Hotta (Chiba University), who is a member of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), received the ASJ Young Astronomer Award, which is given annually to at most three young researchers, under 35 years of age, who have made significant accomplishments in astronomy.
2022-03-18 CPS/ABC workshop "From Mars to various planets: diversity of surface environment" @Online by Zoom (March 30, 2022) (Japanese page only)
2022-03-15 Workshop on Venus Atmosphere @Online by Zoom (March 28-29, 2022) (Japanese page only)
2022-03-02 School for numerical simulation of hydrodynamics (2022 March) @Online by Zoom (March 8-10, 22-23 2022) (Japanese page only)
2022-02-22 Dr. Tomohisa Kawashima (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo), who is a member of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), and collaborators have revealed the detailed structure of Sagittarius A*, a giant black hole hiding in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. (Japanese page only)
2022-01-28 CPS Seminar, TAKAMOTO Masao (Quantum Metrology Laboratory, RIKEN) "Development of an optical lattice clock and its application to relativistic geodesy" (March 1, 2022)
2022-01-27 Fumihiko Usui project assistant professor, of CPS (now Associate Senior Researcher, ISAS Program Office, JAXA) and collaborators published a paper in AGU Advances, in which they describe how they advanced the understanding the history of the formation of the Solar System through the analysis of ammonium-bearing minerals in C-type asteroids.
2021-12-22 Symposium on Supercomputer Fugaku Accelerates Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, and Planetary Science @online (January 17-18, 2022)(Japanese page only)
2021-12-20 CPS Seminar, GOUDA Naoteru (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)"JASMINE (infrared space astrometry mission)" (January 14, 2022)
2021-11-25 "Interview with Gordon Bell Prize Finalists" is now available on YouTube "Fugaku Channel". (Japanese page only)
2021-11-16 CPS Seminar, KATAOKA Akimasa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)"ALMA revolution in the view of protoplanetary disks and planet formation" December 14, 2021)
2021-11-16 Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) and Kobe University are happy to announce that, PFN's in-house supercomputer MN-3, powered by MN-Core processor jointly developed by the research group led by Professor Jun Makino (Director of CPS) and PFN, topped the latest Green500 list of the world's most energy-efficient supercomputers for the third time. The performance per watt has been further improved from the previous value.
2021-11-10 Workshop for Observation of Stellar Occultation by Solar System Bodies (December 2-3, 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-10-28 Drs. Kohji Yoshikawa (CCS, University of Tsukuba), Satoshi Tanaka(YITP, Kyoto University) and Naoki Yoshida (KIPMU, University of Tokyo) have been selected as one of the finalists of Gordon Bell Prize of this year, for their simulation of cosmic neutrino on Supercomputer Fugaku, performed under "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets) (Japanese page only)
2021-10-21 Symposium on Information Infrastructure for Planetary Sciences (November 9, 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-10-18 CPS Seminar, MURAYAMA Yasuhiro (NICT Knowledge Hub, NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology))"International trends of Open Science and Open Data, and current status in Japan" (November 12, 2021)
2021-09-22 CPS Seminar, FUKUSHIMA Toshio (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) "Fast and Precise Solution of Kepler Equations" (October 12, 2021)
2021-09-14 Associate Professor Hideyuki Hotta (Graduate School of Science, Chiba University) and Professor Kanya Kusano (Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University) , who are members of "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), have reproduced the solar differential rotation for the first time with the highest-resolution simulation on supercomputer "Fugaku".
2021-08-06 FDPS Workshop(C++, Fortran) (September 9, 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-08-05 CPS Seminar, SEKINE Yasuhito (ELSI, Tokyo Institute of Technology)"Changing environments on early Mars" (August 20, 2021)
2021-07-14 CPS Seminar, ISHIOKA Keiichi (Kyoto University)"On speeding up the spherical harmonic transform library (ISPACK)" (July 22, 2021)
2021-06-28 Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) and Kobe University are happy to announce that, PFN's in-house supercomputer MN-3, powered by MN-Core processor jointly developed by the research group led by Professor Jun Makino (Director of CPS) and PFN, topped the latest Green500 list of the world's most energy-efficient supercomputers. This is the second time that MN-3 ranked No.1, following the ranking of June 2020.
2021-06-22 A new book, "Principles of High-Performance Processor Design", authored by the director of CPS, Prof. Makino, will be published by Springer.
2021-06-18 Prof. Hayashi, Lecturer Kashimura, and their colleagues have conducted a numerical simulation of the Venus atmosphere in the Earth Simulator by the use of a general circulation model, "AFES-Venus", with the highest resolution in the world, and succeeded in representing spontaneous generations of small scale waves from the Venusian tidal migration. For details, please see the page [here (in Japanese)] or the
[paper] that has been published.
2021-06-14 Preferred Networks, Inc. succeeded in developing a compiler for the MN-Core processor, which they have jointly developed with Kobe University. Using this compiler, MN-Core delivers the performance superior to other existing processors used for deep learning applications.
2021-05-13 CPS Seminar, YASHIRO Hisashi (National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES))"Challenges of weather/climate simulations on supercomputer Fugaku" (May 28, 2021)
2021-04-27 CPS Seminar, YOSHIKAWA Kohji (University of Tsukuba)"Vlasov Simulation of Collisionless Self-gravitating Systems on Fugaku" (May 11, 2021)
2021-03-08 School for numerical simulation of hydrodynamics (2021 March) @Online by Zoom (March 10-12, 22-23 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-03-05 Workshop on data analyses and numerical methods for geophysical fluids @Online by Zoom (March 29-31 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-03-05 Workshop on Venus Atmosphere @Online by Zoom (March 10, 11, and 15 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-02-05 CPS/WTK & ABC workshop on observations and modelings of exoplanet atmospheres @Online by Zoom (March 1, 2021) (Japanese page only)
2021-01-28 Job Opening: Project Associate Professorship at Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science / CPS, Kobe Univ. [pdf] (Closing date for application: Mar 1, 2021)(Japanese page only)
2021-01-26 Job Opening: CPS Secretary [pdf] (Closing date for application: Feb 25, 2021)(Japanese page only)
2020-12-18 Professor Jun Makino (Director of CPS) gives a talk at open symposium of the Physical Society of Japan. (Japanese page only) (December 19, 2020)
2020-12-16 Symposium on Supercomputer Fugaku Accelerates Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, and Planetary Science @Online by Zoom (January 28-29, 2021)
2020-12-14 CPS/WTK Seminar, AIKI Hidenori (Nagoya University)"Life cycle analysis of atmospheric and oceanic wave energy for understanding tropical climate variability mechanisms" (December 16, 2020)
2020-12-04 CPS/WTK Seminar, SATO Kaoru (University of Tokyo)"The climatology of the Brewer Dobson circulation and the contribution of gravity waves" (December 10, 2020)
2020-11-20 CPS Seminar, NARITA Norio (University of Tokyo)"Latest results of new planet search with TESS" (December 3, 2020)
2020-11-17 Kobe University is happy to announce that, PFN's in-house supercomputer MN-3, powered by MN-Core processor jointly developed by the research group led by Professor Jun Makino (Director of CPS) and PFN, ranked No.2 (No.1 for the entries with level-3 measurement) in the latest Green500 list of the world's most energy-efficient supercomputers.
2020-11-17 CPS Seminar, SAGAWA Hideo (Kyoto Sangyo University)"Spectroscopic observation of Venus atmosphere: recent advances and future perspectives" (November 27, 2020)
2020-10-09 CPS Seminar, FUJII Yuka (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)"Observations of Exoplanet Atmospheres and Prospects for Terrestrial Planets: Potential of MIR Observations" (October 22, 2020)
2020-09-23 CPS/WTK Seminar, HORINOUCHI Takeshi (Hokkaido University)"On the maintenance mechanism of the superrotation of the Venusian atmosphere: suggestion from Akatsuki" (October 8, 2020)
2020-09-23 CPS/WTK Seminar, IMAMURA Takeshi (The University of Tokyo) "Superrotation in Planetary Atmospheres" (October 6, 2020)
2020-08-07 RIKEN Data Assimilation Online School (Basics) (September 2-30, 2020) (Japanese page only)
2020-07-29 FDPS Workshop(C++, Fortran) (August 19, 2020) (Japanese page only)
2020-07-17 CPS/WTK Seminar, ISHIBASHI Toshiyuki (Japan Meteorological Agency) "A study on high accuracy global atmospheric state analysis for numerical weather prediction " (August 3, 2020)
2020-07-13 The paper published by the research group led by Project Assistant Professor Fumihiko Usui has been listed in the most read articles of High Impact Articles From PASJ issued by the Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan.
2020-07-10 CPS Seminar, HIRAI Yutaka (RIKEN R-CCS)"Origin of elements and galaxy evolution explored by simulations of galaxies" (July 20, 2020)
2020-07-01 CPS Seminar, TASKER Elizabeth (JAXA) "Identification of the observed infrasound signals generated by the explosive eruption by the ray-tracing method" (July 10, 2020)
2020-06-23 Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) and Kobe University are happy to announce that, PFN's in-house supercomputer MN-3, powered by MN-Core processor jointly developed by the research group led by Professor Jun Makino (Director of CPS) and PFN, topped the latest Green500 list of the world's most energy-efficient supercomputers.
2020-06-16 CPS/WTK Seminar, SAITO Hiroaki (Hokkaido University)"Identification of the observed infrasound signals generated by the explosive eruption by the ray-tracing method" (June 25, 2020)
2020-06-16 CPS/WTK Seminar, ITO Yuichi (University College London) "H2O2-induced Greenhouse Warming on Oxidized Early Mars" (June 22, 2020)
2020-05-18 CPS Seminar, NOMURA Kentaro (Kobe University) "Developing Particle-particle Interaction Kernel Generator PIKG and Optimization of N-body and SPH Kernel for Fugaku" (June 16, 2020)
2020-05-18 CPS/WTK Seminar, NAKAGAWA Hiromu (Tohoku University) "A warm layer in the nightside mesosphere of Mars" (June 9, 2020)
2020-04-22 CPS/WTK Seminar, ANDO Hiroki (Kyoto Sangyo University) (April 22, 2020)
The 4th Syposium: Exploratory Challange on Post-K Coumputer Research and Development Project @Online(March 9, 2020)
CPS Seminar, TURBET Martin (Geneva Astronomical Observatory)On the challenge of simulating the early Mars environment(s) with climate models and lab experiments (February 14, 2020)
"ABC Project/CPS Workshop on Climates of Terrestrial Planets in Various Solar Systems" (February 11-12, 2020)
CPS Seminar, Makoto MIYOSHI (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) ""The jet and resolved features of the central supermassive black hole of M87 observed with EHT " (January 17, 2020)
CPS Seminar, Ko ARIMATSU (Kyoto University) ""Trans-Neptunian Objects revealed by high-cadence stellar occultation observations " (February 5, 2020)
CPS Seminar, David HERNANDEZ (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) ""Are long-term N-body simulations reliable? " (January 20, 2020)
CPS Seminar, Keiichi WADA (Kagoshima University) ""Blanet" formation around supermassive black holes in galaxies " (January 10, 2020)
2019 The Organization of Advanced and Integrated Research(OAIR) symposium (October 15, 2019) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Yasumitsu Maejima (RIKEN, Center for Computational Science) "Impacts of dense and frequent surface observations on predicting severe rainfalls " (Aug 26, 2019)
Open Symposium: Exploratory Challenge on Post-K Computer Research and Development Project @The University of Tokyo (September 9-10, 2019) (Japanese page only)
2019 Summer GFD Seminar (September 2-5)(Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Seiji Zenitani (Kobe University) " Magnetic reconnection in space " (July 17, 2019)
FDPS Workshop (C++, Fortran) (August 6,2019)(Japanese Page Only)
The research group led by Professor Jun Makino and Assistant Professor Takayuki Saitoh has published "Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon " in Nature GeoScience magazine.
CPS Seminar,Kazuhiro INAGAKI(The University of Tokyo)" Flow generation phenomenon in rotating turbulence due to helicty and its modeling "(May 21, 2019)
Professor Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi received The Fujiwhara Award of The Meteorological Society of Japan in 2019. (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Kohtaro Ujiie (University of Tsukuba) "Seismogenic processes in subduction zones: Insights from fault rocks, laboratory experiments, and deep sea drilling "(April 4, 2019)
CPS Seminar/The 99th WTK Seminar (Online),Akifumi Nakayama (The University of Tokyo)"Habitability on ocean planets "(March 15, 2019)
CPS Seminar, Munetaka Ueno (Kobe University)"Space science, space development, and Japan "(March 7, 2019)
"Workshop and Tutorial on GFD Data Analysis and Numerical Calculation (March 27-29, 2019)(Japanese page only)
The 3rd Symposium: Exploratory Challenge on Post-K Computer Research and Development Project @Tokyo Institute of Technology (March 13, 2019) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Ryou Ohsawa (The University of Tokyo)"meteors; CMOS camera; interplanetary dust " (March 6, 2019)
Job Opening: Project Associate Professorship at Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science /CPS, Kobe Univ.[pdf] (Closing date: March 1, 2019)(Japanese page only)
Frontier Seminar in Pranetary Science 2018 "Hokkaido University (February 18-19, 2019) (Japanese page only)
The 20th Symposium on Planetary Sciences "Tohoku University (February 18-21, 2019)
The research group led by Project Assistant Professor Hiroki Kashimura has indentified a giant streak structure among the clouds covering planet Venus based on observation from the spacecraft Akatsuki and also revealed the origins of this structure using large-scale climate simulations.
Press Release: Project Assistant Professor Fumihiko Usui et al."Space telescope detects water in a number of asteroids -- Near-Infrared Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey with AKARI -- "
CPS Seminar/Department of Physics Seminar,Teruaki Enoto(Kyoto University)"High Energy Atmospheric Physics discovered by Lightning Discharge "[Poster] "Rokko Campus The 3rd Building for Research of Science and Technology ,125 room(January 18, 2019)
Job Opening: CPS Secretary (Closing date: Jan 31, 2019)(Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Wataru Fujiya(Ibaraki University)"Formation locations and orbital evolution of asteroids recorded in meteorites " (December 21, 2018)
Tentai no shoutotsu butsuri no kaimei(XIV) @Integrated Research Center of Kobe University (December 17-19, 2018)(Japanese page only)
Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration @Nagoya University(November 29, 2018) (Japanese page only)
Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration @sola city Conference Center EAST (December 19, 2018) (Japanese page only)
The 11th space gurd @Tokyo Skytree Town Campus (November 3, 2018) (Japanese page only)
The 7th Mission planning school for Future Solar System Exploration [pdf] (January 9-14, 2019) (Japanese page only)
The 2nd Workshop on Star and Planet Formaiton Simulation in the Post-K Era(Japanese page only) (October 12, 2018)
The 74th Fujihara Seminar/International Venus Conference 2018 was rescheduled to International Venus Conference 2019 / New web page released (May 31- June 3, 2019)
Heterogeneous Manycore workshop (August 9, 2018) (Japanese page only)
Formura Workshop (August 8, 2018)
FDPS Workshop(C++, Fortran) (August 3, 2018)
Subaru Workshop on Small Solar System Bodies (November 19- 21, 2018)
CPS/WTK Seminar, Masahiro Takagi (Kyoto Sangyo University)"Three-dimensional structures of thermal tides simulated by a Venus GCM " (July 23, 2018)
[Canceled]CPS Seminar, Satoki Tsujino (Nagoya University)"Maintenance mechanisms of long-lived concentric eyewalls in tropical cyclones "(June 18, 2018)
Exploratory Challenge on Post-K Computer Research and Development Project Meeting (July 6, 2018) (Japanese page only)
Planetary science consortium meeting(Informal) (June 23, 2018) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Shinsuke Takasao (Nagoya University )"Magnetic activities of the Sun and a protostar " (June 27, 2018)
The 6th Mission planning school for Future Solar System Exploration [pdf] (September 3-8, 2018)(Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Takayuki Ushikubo (Kochi Institute, JAMSTEC)"Los condrulos no vuelan: SIMS oxygen isotope studies of chondrules. "(June 28, 2018)
CPS Seminar, Satoki Tsujino (Nagoya University)"Maintenance mechanisms of long-lived concentric eyewalls in tropical cyclones "(June 18, 2018)
28th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (June 11, 2018 @JAXA/ISAS)
27th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (May 11, 2018 @University of Tokyo)
26th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (April 23-24, 2018 @Nagoya University)
CPS/WTK Mini-Workshop on Planetary Fluids (April 16, 2018)
25th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (April 9, 2018 @Tokyo Institute of Technology)
The 2nd Symposium: Exploratory Challenge on Post-K Computer Research and Development Project (March. 26, 2018) (Japanese Page Only)
The 3rd Lunar and Mars Exploration symposium ((March 16,2018)(Japanese page only)
Abstract registration open for the 74th Fujihara Seminar / International Venus Conference 2018 (September 11-14, 2018)
24th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (March 5, 2018 @University of Tokyo)
CPS Seminar, Jack Lissauer(NASA Ames Research Center)"Kepler's Multiple Planet Systems "(February 15, 2018@Kobe University Rokko Campus)
CPS Seminar, Kosuke Kurosawa (Planetary Exploration Reserch Center)"A reappraisal of the processes of material ejection due to hypervelocity impacts "(February 9, 2018)
23th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (March 1-2, 2018 @Tohoku University)
CPS/WTK mini workshop (March 9, 2018)
CPS Seminar, Hiraku Sakamoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology)"Challenges in Engineering Design Project at Tokyo Tech "(February 6, 2018)
22th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (January 17, 2018)
WTK/CPS Seminar, Kazuhisa Tsuboki(Nagoya University)"Aircraft observation of typhoon LAN (2017) - T-PARCII project "(December 28, 2017)
9th Workshop on Catastrophic Disruption in the Solar System (May 14-17, 2018)
CPS/WTK Seminar, Yoshihisa Matsuda (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.)"Basic concept of dynamic meteorology of Venus "(December 22, 2017)
21th Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (January 11, 2018)
The 74th Fujihara Seminar / International Venus Conference 2018 (September 11-14, 2018)
CPS Seminar, Yukio Isozaki (Univ. Tokyo) "Zirconophile: trilogy "(December 11, 2017)
The 5th Mission planning school for Future Solar System Exploration [pdf] (February 23-28, 2018) (Japanese page only)
The Boundary Layer Turbulence mini workshop (Nov.20,2017) (Japanese page only)
The Symposium "大学共同利用を基礎とした,宇宙科学・探査のより良い実行に向けて" (Oct.20,2017)(Japanese page only)
The 20th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (Sep.26,2017) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Nagayoshi Ohashi (Professor, Subaru Telescope,NAOJ) "Measuring the mass of protostars "(September 6, 2017 @Kobe University Rokko Campus)
CPS Seminar/Special Seminar Department of Planetology, Kobe University, Junichi Watanabe (Vice-Director General ,NAOJ) "Chasing a mysterious meteor shower "(September 1, 2017@Kobe University Rokko Campus)
2017-07-13 Moving Planets Around Writing Workshop [pdf] (July 19-Aug 2, 2017)
CPS Seminar, Naoki Terada (Tohoku University) "Thermal escape of planetary atmospheres - revisited "(July 18, 2017)
Workshop on STE simulation (Sep.6-8,2017) (Japanese page only)
The 4th Mission planning school for Future Solar System Exploration [pdf] (August, 20-25, 2017) (Japanese page only)
The CPS Science Workshop on SMILES-2 (June.23,2017) (Japanese page only)
The 19th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration DESTINY+ (May.16,2017) (Japanese page only)
The 18th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (May.12,2017) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Testuji Onoue (Kumamoto University)"Accretion of extraterrestrial matter and environmental changes recorded in the pelagic deep-sea deposits of Japan "(March 23, 2017)
CPS Seminar, Brent Holben (NASA/GSFC/AERONET, General Manager)"AERONET's Development and Contributions through Two Decades of Aerosol Research "((March 28, 2017)
CPS Seminar, Masaru Inatsu (Hokkaido University) "Novel tracking methods for extratropical cyclones "(March 29, 2017)
CPS Seminar, Nobuo Geshi (AIST) "Development of volcanic conduit and its effects on the variation of volcanic eruption "(February 17, 2017)
WTK/CPS Seminar, Kay I. Ohshima (Hokkaido University)"Global view of sea-ice production and its linkage with dense/deep water formation "(January 24, 2017@CPS Conference Room)
CPS Seminar, Takaaki Noguchi (Kyushu University)"Space weatherin g observed on the Itokawa grains "(January 19, 2017@Kobe University Rokko Campus)
Symposium on Integrated Reserch Center[pdf] (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Driss Takir(USGS, Physical Scientist)"Primitive Asteroids: Clues to the Formation of our Solar System ",Thomas Mueller (MPE, Scientist)"Asteroids in the thermal infrared "(December 5, 2016)
CPS Seminar, Masaki Ogawa (The University of Tokyo)"Evolution of terrestrial planets dictated by the coupled magmatism-mantle convection system "(November 15, 2016@CPS Conference Room)
AICS/CPS Seminar, Shun-ichiro Karato (Yale University)"Composition and Origin of the Moon II "(October 20, 2016@CPS Conference Room)
CPS Seminar, Kozo Fujii (Tokyo University of Science)" "(October 28, 2016@CPS Conference Room)
The 3rd Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration [pdf] (Japanese page only)
The 17th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (October.24-25,2016)(Japanese page only)
The 16th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (October.11-12,2016)(Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Kevin Hamilton (U. Hawaii, Professor)"Modeling Microclimates and Projecting Climate Change in Hawaii "(September 20,2016@CPS Conference Room)
Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration 2016 Summer (August 22-26,2016) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Takafumi Ootsubo (University of Tokyo Ph.D.)"Infrared observations of the ice and dust in the small solar system bodies "(July.14,2016@CPS Conference Room )
Wanted: Department of Planetology and CPS Secretaries in Kobe (Closing date: July. 1, 2016)
Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration 2016 Summer [pdf] (Japanese page only)
The 15th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (June.25,2016) (Japanese page only)
CPS Seminar, Hideyuki Usui (Kobe University Professor)"Plasma particle simulations on the solar wind response to a lunar magnetic anomaly ",Yohei Miyake (Kobe University Associate Professor)"Full particle simulations on plasma and dust environment near lunar vertical holes "(July.19,2016@CPS Conference Room)
CPS Seminar, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki (RIKEN Ph.D.)"Tandem Planet Formation "(June.29,2016@CPS Conference Room)
CPS Seminar, Tsuneyoshi Kamae (University of Tokyo/Stanford University)"An Effort to Catch-up in Modern ICT Use in Japanese University Education with Jupyter Notebook "(June.7,2016@Kobe University Rokko Campus)
The 9th meeting on Cosmic Dust (August 15-19, 2016)
The 14th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (May.20,2016) (Japanese page only)
The 13th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (Apr.25,2016) (Japanese page only)
The 12th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (Apr.23,2016) (Japanese page only)
Award: Fumihiko Usui (Project Assistant Professor)"Astreroid Catalog Using AKARI: AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared Survey,"Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 2015
The 10th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (Mar.28,2016) (Japanese page only)
Wanted: Department of Planetology and CPS Secretaries in Kobe (Closing date: Mar. 31, 2016)
Call for Applications(RISE Project,NAOJ): Summer School for Planetary Science and Exploration in East Asia 2016(Jun.5-10,2016@Wuhan)
The 11th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration, Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere/ Akatsuki (Mar.28-29,2016) (Japanese page only)
Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere/Aqua-Planet (Mar.9-11,2016) (Japanese page only)
The 9th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration ,NAOJ(Mar. 9-10,2016)(Japanese page only)
AICS / CPS Seminar, Shun-ichiro Karato(Yale University)"Composition and origin of the Moon "(Mar.23,2016)
"Joint workshop by Hadean Bioscience A01 and A05 (Japanese Only) "(Feb.4,2016)
"GFD Dennou Club davis Project "(Feb.11-13,2016)
CPS Seminar,Fumihiko Usui"Infrared Asteroid Survey with AKARI "(Jan.13,2016)
The 8th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration Science workshop on DESTINY+ (Nov.24-25,2015)[pdf] (Japanese page only)
The 7th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration "Workshop on Mars Satellite Sample Return" circular(Nov.17,2015)
[pdf] (Japanese page only)
Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration [Lunar Science](Jan.8-12,2016) [pdf] (Japanese page only)
Cosmic Dust VIIII (Aug. 15-19, 2016) (1st circ.)
Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration [pdf] (Japanese page only)
MODEST 15-S (Dec.7-11,2015)[pdf]
CPS seminar, Hiroaki Kuze"Satellite Remote Sensing in Japan and Study on Earth Aerosols(Oct. 06, 2015) "
CPS seminar, Munetaka UENO"Observational study of Solar system studies with AKARI infrared astronomical satellite(Sep. 29, 2015) "
AICS Makino Team -CPS Seminar(Sep. 08, 2015)
The 6th CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration(Aug. 27-28, 2015)
CPS seminar, Takeshi Hanyu"Age of mantle reservoirs formed by slab subduction(Aug. 25, 2015) "
J-Physics:Physics of Conductive Multipole Systems Kickoff Meeting(Sep. 14-15, 2015)
The 6th Integrated Reserch Center of Kobe University Salon "Planetology and Earth as a planet"(Aug. 28, 2015) [pdf] (Japanese page only)
Laboratory Training Course on Data Analysis of Planetary Exploration(Sep. 27-29, 2015)
Data analysis couse on Hyper Suprime-Cam survey(Oct. 05-06, 2015)
CPS / AICS /WTK seminar, Ko-ichiro Sugiyama " Numerical Modeling of Moist Convection in Jupiter's Atmosphere"(Jul. 09, 2015)
GFD seminar(Aug. 17-20, 2015)
AICS ELSI ISSA Summer School "Towards an Integrative Approach to the Study of Awareness"(Aug. 03-21, 2015)
CPS seminar, Tatsuhiko Kawamoto "Transport of saline fluids from subducting slab to the mantle wedge"(Jun. 16, 2015)
Possible features of the Hadean climate viewing from formation of the solar system (Jun. 02, 2015)
CPS seminar/ WTK seminar,Jun Makino "methods in computational planetary science"(May. 19, 2015)
Frontier Seminar in Planetary Science(Sep. 15-18, 2015)
Japanese-French model studies of planetary atmospheres(May. 11-15, 2015)
CPS seminar/ WTK seminar,Izumi Saito "Mechanism for the formation of equatorial superrotation in forced shallow-water turbulence with Newtonian cooling"(Apr. 1, 2015)
CPS seminar ,Ranjan Gupta
"Dust and its Modeling in Astrophysical Situations"(Apr. 1, 2015)
CPS summary,Planet science research education consortium(Mar. 27, 2015)
Symposium on Mars science(Jan. 16-17, 2015)
SEED Workshop(Oct. 22-24, 2014)
Symposium on lunar science (Oct. 27-28, 2014)
Cosmic Dust VIII (Aug. 17-21, 2015)
Workshop on infrared observations and planetary science (Oct. 08-09, 2014)
Modeling Origins of Life Workshop by AICS (Aug. 04-22, 2014)
SPS Workshop(Apr. 16, 2014)
The 1st Keihanshin Workshop on Astrophysics and Planetary Science(Apr.05, 2014)
The 7th Training Course on the Analysis of Planetary Exploration Data(Mar. 06-08, 2014)
From Protoplanetary Disks to Planets(Mar. 05-07, 2014)
Symposium on low-cost planetary explorations (Jan. 22, 2014) [pdf] (Japanese page only)
Symposium by Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Nov. 28-29, 2013)
Workshop and Tutorial on GFD Data Analysis and Numerical Calculation (Mar. 10-12, 2014)
Special Lectures on Geoscience I, II (Jan. 20-21 and 28-29, 2014) [pdf] (Japanese page only)
JSPS Discussion on Lunar and Planetary Exploration for Next 10 Years (Nov. 24, 2013)
Cosmic dust VI (Aug. 05-09, 2013)
Large-Scale simulation of Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (Jul. 22-23, 2013)
Notification of CPS Activity from April, 2013
3rd Symposium on Future Space and Planetary Science (Feb. 27-28, 2013)
Privacy Policy Revised
Signed with the Agreement of Cooperation between ISSI (Bern, Switzerland) (Dec. 4)
Call for Participants: 2nd Seminar for the Forefront of Planetary Science (Dec. 22, 2012)
Call for Applications: CPS Long-Term Oversea Invitation Program [pdf] [doc]
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Jun. 24-29, 2012) Final Circular Released
Call for Applications: CPS Scientific Meetings Program
Call for Applications: CPS Long-Term Oversea Invitation Program [pdf] [doc]
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Jun. 24-29, 2012) 2nd Circular Released
Call for Applications: Global COE Research Assistants for FY2012 (Closing date: Mar. 9, 2012)
Call for Applications: CPS Long-Term Oversea Invitation Program (in Japanese) [pdf] [doc]
Call for Educator/Curator Participants: Seminar for the Forefront of Planetary Science (Mar. 5, 2012)
Call for Applications: School of the Universe (Feb. 19-21, 2012) (Closing date: Feb. 10, 2012)
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Jun. 24-29, 2012) 1st Circular Released
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Sep. 26-Oct. 1, 2011) Final Circular Released
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Sep. 26-Oct. 1, 2011) 3rd Circular Released
Job Opening: CPS Secretary (Closing date: Jun. 24, 2011)
Notification of Office Relocation
Call for Applications: CPS Scientific Meetings Program
Call for Applications: CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Sep. 26-Oct. 1, 2011) (Closing date: May 18, 2011)
Call for Applications: Global COE Research Assistants for FY2011 (Closing date: Mar. 13, 2011)
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Sep. 26-Oct. 1, 2011) 1st Circular Released
Call for Applications: CPS Long-Term Oversea Invitation Program (in Japanese) [pdf] [doc]
"CPS - A New Type of Center", Kobe University Forefront, April 2011(to be included) (Japanese page only)
Job Opening: CPS G-COE Fellowship (JSPS DC FY 2011) [Application Form] [JSPS Notice] (Closing date: Jan. 20, 2011(noon))
Call for Applications: School of the Universe (Feb. 13-15, 2011) (Closing date: Feb. 3, 2011)
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Jan. 10-15, 2011) Final Circular Released
Announcement: CPS Mini-Workshop (Dec. 14, 2010)
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Jan. 10-15, 2011) 2nd Circular Released
CPS GCOE Program introduced on the MEXT GP Portal web site [GP Portal web site ][CPS poster ]
Call for Applications: CPS Long-Term Oversea Invitation Program (in Japanese) (Closing date: Oct. 31, 2010)
Job Opening: CPS Information Infrastructure Administrator (Closing date: Sep. 17, 2010)
Venue change: Lunar and Planetary Exploration for the Next Decade: An Open Forum (Sep. 10, 2010) (in Japanese)
Venue change: Urgent symposium on lunar and planetary exploration in response to the return of Hayabusa (Sep. 10, 2010) (in Japanese)
Lunar and Planetary Exploration for the Next Decade: An Open Forum (Sep. 10, 2010) (in Japanese)
Urgent symposium on lunar and planetary exploration in response to the return of Hayabusa (Sep. 10, 2010) (in Japanese)
CPS Scientific Meetings Program Call for Applications in FY2010 was closed.
Call for Applications: CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Theory of Stellar Evolution and Its Applications, Jan. 10-15, 2011) (Closing date: Aug. 29, 2010)
Announcement:CPS Tanabata Lecture (Japanese page only) (Jul. 7, 2010)
Call for Applications: CPS Long-Term Oversea Invitation Program (Closing date: Jun. 30, 2010)
CPS New Office Opened
Call for Applications: CPS Scientific Meetings Program
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (Theory of Stellar Evolution and Its Applications, Jan. 10-15, 2011) Advisory Panel (Apr. 28, 2010)
Wanted: Global COE Research Assistants for FY2010 (Closing date: Mar. 18, 2010)
Wanted: CPS Secretaries in Kobe (Closing date: Feb. 23, 2010)
MAJESTy's Boot Camp in Kansai -About Science and Technology Journalism-(Feb. 6-7, 2010)
Japanese Science Writing Course (Mar. 3, 2010)
Call for Applications: CPS Fellowship for the WHOI GFD 2010 Program (Closing date: Feb. 15, 2010)
Call for Participants: The 10th School of the Universe (Closing date: Feb. 8, 2010)
3rd Laboratory Training Course on Data Analysis of Planetary Exploration (1st circ.)(Japanese page only)
CPS Laboratory Training Course on Numerical Calculation and Data Analysis (1st circ.) (Japanese page only)
Job Openings: CPS G-COE Fellowship (JSPS DC FY 2010) [application form] [JSPS notice] (Closing date: Dec. 23, 2009)
Submission of CPS's Opinion to MEXT in Terms of Budget Allocations by Public Hearing
Call for Participants: Science cafe in Mt.Rokko(Nov.15, 2009)(Japanese page only)
Call for Participants: The CPS 2nd laboratory training course on impact experiments (Closing date: Oct. 31, 2009) (Japanese page only)
Call for Participants: CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (Closing date: Oct. 6, 2009) (Japanese page only)
Call for Participants: CPS International School (Closing date: Sep. 25, 2009)
Job Openings: Assistant Professorship - CPS (Closing date: Aug. 28, 2009) (Japanese page only)
Call for Applications: CPS Scientific Meetings Program
Call for Applications: Overseas Invitation Program (Closing date: Jul. 31, 2009) (Japanese page only)
The page of Laboratory Training Course on Impact Experiments was relaunched (Japanese page only)
Simultaneous Public Lectures throughout Japan celebrating Tanabata presented by Hokkaido University (Japanese page only)
Simultaneous Public Lectures throughout Japan celebrating Tanabata Science Cafe Kobe Special (Jul. 7, 2009) (Japanese page only)
Workshop on Magneto-Rotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks
The 1st CPS-JSPS Forum
Homepage of Mini Workshop Report on Structure Formation and Matter Evolution
Group Meeting on the Planet Host Star Database
Workshop on Structure Formation and Matter Evolution in the Universe
CPS Laboratory Training Course on Numerical Calculation and Data Analysis (2nd circ.)
Workshop on Observations of the 2009 Total Solar Eclipse on Board Kagoshima-maru
Laboratory Training Course on Data Analysis of Planetary Exploration (2nd circ.)
Laboratory Training Course on Observation
The School of the Universe
Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere
Laboratory Training Course on Numerical Calculation and Data Analysis
2008, 2009 Global COE (G-COE) Researchers Recruited (Closing date: Jan. 19, 2009)
1st CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (2nd circ.)
1st CPS International School of Planetary Science (2nd circ.)
1st CPS Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration (1st circ.)
1st CPS Laboratory Training Course on Impact Experiments (2nd circ.)
G-COE slides for Hokkaido Home Page
Wanted: Global COE Associate Professor Extraordinary (Closing date: Nov. 17, 2009)
"Foundation of International Center for Planetary Science", Kobe Univ. Forefront, Oct. 2008
Wanted: Global COE Research Assistants
Job Openings: Professorship, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Kobe University
Wanted: Global COE Assistant Professor Extraordinary
CPS International School of Planetary Sciences (1st circ.)
Wanted: Global COE Researchers
JSPS DC1 & DC2 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists in FY 2008
Global COE Program "Foundation of International Center for Planetary Science" Selected by MEXT
Final Report on the 21st Century COE Program "Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems" (Mar. 17-18, 2008)
Center for Planetary Science Founded as a Research Institute at Graduate School of Science of Kobe University