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Hands-On Lessonは8種類ありますが,今回は全てを取り扱うわけではありません.後日自習も行えるのでダウンロードだけ済ませておいてください




NAIFのCharls "Chuck" Acton氏よりいただいた事前準備に関する資料です.

Dear JAXA SPICE Class attendees—

In partnership with the class sponsors, Yukio Yamamoto and Naru Hirata, the NAIF Team at JPL is looking forward to meeting you on Sunday, September 13 and continuing through Tuesday, September 15, to help guide you in learning to use ancillary data provided in the “SPICE” style as a tool for planning and analyzing space science observations. Basic information about SPICE is available at the NAIF website:


We are compressing a substantial amount of training material into the short amount of time available, so we hope you will be well prepared for this class.

The class will consist of lectures, using the very latest SPICE tutorials, and some “hands-on” programming lessons done by you.

The agenda for the class is provided at this URL:


The tutorials that the NAIF Team will present are available as follows.

A single PDF in which all of the tutorials are merged together:


A ZIP file containing all the PDF tutorials:


Individual PDF files:


(M.S. Office versions of these tutorials are also available.)

There are two tutorials missing from these collections. NAIF is still working on preparing these new tutorials and will have them available only at the class, or perhaps just shortly before the class. You will be notified about these.

(Don’t use the tutorials available at the NAIF website, as these do not yet contain the many updates we have made in preparation for this class, and they are organized differently.)

The hands-on programming lessons are designed to get you quickly immersed in some practical SPICE-based programming. The lessons are offered in all four languages supported by the NAIF Team: ANSI Fortran 77, ANSI C, Interactive Data Language (IDL) and MATLAB. Each lesson is broken into several small parts, called “tasks.” For each task NAIF provides a task statement, helpful tips, all the needed SPICE kernels, and our own solution. So you may think of these lessons as “open book” lessons. During the lessons NAIF team members and the class sponsors will be available to answer any questions you may have.

The lessons are available here:


These are available for unix (including Linux and MAC OSX) platforms, and for PC/Windows platforms. Select the set of eight lesson packages that is appropriate for your platform. Please read the “aareadme.txt” file first for complete, important instructions about obtaining and installing these lessons. Pay particular attention to the bottom paragraph about installing the HTML versions of the lessons… this will help a lot!

We hope that you will download all of these items before the class begins.

There is one additional lesson still to be added&#8211;one using shape model software. We will bring this with us to the class. It will be available only in the C language, and it makes use of prototype interfaces (APIs) that will likely change somewhat as we work to build the official code.


If you are not already somewhat familiar with SPICE we suggest you flip through the introductory tutorials that will not be presented during the class… just to get some background about what SPICE is and why it exists. These are indicated in the agenda by a “0” time allotment and they have a red background. (Of course feel free to look through as many of the tutorials as you like before the class begins!)

It is important that you have downloaded, installed and tested your ability to use one of the current (Version N63) SPICE Toolkit software packages before you arrive at the class. Your testing should include writing a small program that you link to the Toolkit library… just to be sure you have a workable code editor (or an Integrated Development Environment) that works correctly. If you are an IDL or MATLAB user, be sure you have a license arrangement in place that will allow you to use that product during the class.

It is sometimes helpful if two or even three students work on the programming lessons together. Please feel free to take this approach if it suits you.

During previous classes some students have found in helpful to have a printed copy of the tutorials (and the lessons) available next to the student’s computer. They use this to take notes during the lectures, and also as a reference during the programming lessons. If this sounds like a good idea to you, please print out your own copy(ies) before coming to the class.

The lectures and the programming help offered by the NAIF Team will be in English. Your sponsors will be available to provide some translation help where needed. But whatever amount of preparatory work you can do by reading some of the tutorials before the class starts might be helpful.

If you have any questions about this preparatory work, please contact one of the class sponsors right away to get some help.

-- The NAIF Team at JPL and the JAXA SPICE Class Sponsors

Last modified:2009/11/10 21:40:00