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Center for Planetary Science
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GFD seminar Spring 2025
@National Park Resort KYUKAMURA SHIKOTSUKO (March 14-17, 2025) (Japanese page only)
CPS/WTK & ABC workshop "地球型惑星気候を多角的に考える"
CPS, Hokkaido Univ./Online (February 20,21,25, 2025)(Japanese page only)
Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh (Kobe University) and his collaborators Junichi Baba (Kagoshima University) and Takuji Tsujimoto (NAOJ) conducted numerical simulations to study the Sun's motion and environmental changes. Their simulations showed that the Sun was born 4.6 billion years ago in the inner regions of the Milky Way galaxy and migrated from this hazardous zone of frequent supernovae and gamma-ray bursts to its current safer location in the outer regions.
In the Japanese Society for Planetary Science 2024 Autumn meeting, the Ph.D student Tenri Jinno received the Best Presentation Award for "Global N-body simulation of planetary formation: The origins of ice giants".
(Japanese page only)
In the HPCI Software Award 2024, the group of Prof. Makino received the excellent award for the development of FDPS (Framework for Developing Particle Simulators) and the group of Associate Prof. Saitoh received the encouragement award for the development of ASURA+BRIDGE.
(Japanese page only)
Associate Prof. Takayuki Saitoh (Kobe University) and collaborators Michiko Fujii (University Tokyo), Long Wang (Sun Yat-Sen University), Ataru Tanikawa (Fukui Prefectural University) and Yutaka Hirai (Tohoku University) conducted star cluster formation simulations that resolve individual stars. These simulations reveal that supermassive stars form in the clusters through stellar collisions and then they evolve into intermediate-mass black holes.
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Seminars, Schools, Training Courses, and Workshops
CPS Seminars
Cooperative Project with Astrobiology Center
International School of Planetary Sciences
Frontier Seminar in Planetary Science
(Japanese page only)
The School of the Universe
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Laboratory Training Course on Numerical Calculation and Data Analysis
Laboratory Training Course on Impact Experiments
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Promotion of the Education for Planetary Exploration
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Training Course on Astronomical Observation
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Cosmic Dust
Workshop on Planetary Atmosphere
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Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Scineces
Grain Formation Workshop
GFD Seminar
Mission planning school Kobe for Future Solar System Exploration
(Japanese page only)
Consortium for Planetary Exploration
(Japanese page only)
Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Exploration
(Japanese page only)
Mars Satellite Sample Return Project Open Discussion (Members only)
Akatsuki Project Open Discussion (Members only)
Workshop on Nuclear Physics
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Workshop on future of planetary science
(Japanese page only)
(Japanese page only)
Forum on Computational Planetary Science
(Japanese page only)
Post-K Research and Development projects (Exploratory Challenges): Elucidation of the Birth of Exoplanets [Second Earth] and the Environmental Variations of Planets in the Solar System
Project for Innovative AI Chips and Next-Generation Computing Technology Development/Development of innovative AI edge computing technologies/Research and development of SoC for ultra low power edge heavy computing with combination of an FPGA IP and variable precision arithmetic operation cores
Fugaku Project: Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets
Feasibility Study on next-generation supercomputing infrastructures: System Research Team (Kobe University)
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