Seminar: |
CPS Seminar
date: |
2020 February 5 (Wed) 16:30 -
Room: |
No 609 Seminar Room, 6F, Science and Technology Research Bldg 3, Kobe University Rokkodai 2nd Campus
Speaker: |
ARIMATSU Ko (Researcher, Astronomical Observatory, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
Title: |
Trans-Neptunian Objects revealed by high-cadence stellar occultation observations
Abstract: |
High-cadence observations of stellar occultations allow us to probe the unknown nature of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs).Our team started occultation monitoring observations using two small high-cadence observation systems installed on Miyako Island, Okinawa.After two years of monitoring, we discovered an occultation candidate event by a kilometer-sized TNO for the first time (Arimatsu, Tsumura, Usui, et al. 2019a). I will introduce the science of stellar occultation observations by reviewing our latest results (Arimatsu et al. 2019b, Arimatsu et al. in prep.) and our prospects in the next decade.
Keywords: |
trans-Neptunian objects; Kuiper belt; Oort cloud; Pluto; time-domain astronomy
Organizer: |
USUI Fumihiko