日時: 2013 年 11 月 18 日(月) 16:00-
場所: CPS セミナー室
講演者: Jürg Diemand (SNF教授, 計算科学 / 理論物理学, チューリッヒ大学)
世話人: 中川 義次
タイトル: Billion particle simulations of dark matter halos and phase transitions
要旨: Modern supercomputers together with sophisticated algorithms are able to calculate the motions of billions of particles for millions of time-steps. This capability allows to address a wide range of problems in very different fields. I will present our recent numerical simulations in two of these areas: First, I'll review cosmological N-body simulations. They are able to make detailed, accurate predictions on the formation and evolution of dark matter structures, with a special focus on small scale structure in the Galactic dark matter halo. In the second part, I'll present our billion particle molecular dynamics simulations of the vapor-to-liquid phase transition. These are the first direct simulations of phase transitions under conditions which are also accessible to laboratory experiments.
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