日時: 2011 年 10 月 26 日(水) 15:30-16:30
場所: CPS セミナー室
講演者: 寺田 健太郎 (広島大学)
世話人: きむらひろし
タイトル: 局所絶対年代分析で拓く太陽系年代学
abstract: Constraining the timescales for the evolution of planetary bodies in our solar system is essential for a complete understanding of planet-forming processes. However, frequent collisions between planetesimals in the early Solar System obscured and destroyed much of the primitive features of the old, first-generation planetary bodies. The in-situ absolute dating which I have been developing, enables us to decipher such a veiled history of the Solar System. In seminar, I will talk about our new findings.
キーワード: chronology, U-Pb dating, SIMS, meteorite, in-situ analysis