日時: 2009 年 12月 10日(木) 10:00 - 12:00

神戸大学自然科学総合研究棟 3号館  508号室,

講演者: T. Lopez (UMR 5562, CNRS, Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées)
タイトル: Thermal anomalies in Central Elysium Planitia and Arsia Mons. Evidence and implications of aerothermal systems.
abstract: Thermal and electrical investigations on a quiescent volcanic cone in Piton de La Fournaise (La Reunion Island, France) have revealed correlations between thermal and eletric data (Antoine et al., 2009). The thermal pattern and the correlations with electric data have been successfully explained by air convection within the volcanic soil composing the structure of the cone. At the scale of volcano, electrical map show a specific pattern previously interpreted as the effect of meteoritic water circulation. Thermal images of fractures located near the caldera show the same behavior than the volcanic cone. Extrapolating our result at Formica Leo to the entire volcano led us to propose the existence of convection cells at the volcano scale (Antoine et al, submitted). The occurrence of this phenomenon at other terrestrial volcanoes is currently under investigation in the frame of a collaboration between OMP, IPGP and ERI in Japan. These findings for terrestrial volcanic and permeable soils may also apply to other planets. Thermal data are available on Mars, and the second part of the presentation will focus on thermal observations of the red planet. The terrestrial studies show that the occurrence of aerothermal systems is mostly controlled by the permeability of the soil. Permeable regions of Mars were searched with the double criteria of coarse grains (e.g., debris apron) and extensive stresses. Results are presented at Central Elysium Planitia and Arsia Mons. Thermal, geologic and geometric characteristics of Cerberus Fossae and Arsia Mons’ skyholes and collapsed sinuous rills were documented in detail. We will report on the finding of thermal anomalies, which can not be explained by the geometry and/or geology. In addition, the pits distribution across Arsia Mons south flank revealed a link with areas in extension, consistent with the conditions required for air convection. This convection system would consist of cold air entering at the base of the volcano flanks, flowing up the slope while being warmed by the geothermal flow. The atmospheric air will exit warmer, at places where permeability is high. In addition, the occurrence of such aerothermal systems on Mars is shown to be plausible using a 2D numerical model. If true, temperature differences observed at the exit are dependant on the quantity of heat transported by air convection. This might give us an indirect estimation of the martian geothermal flow. The existence of such convection system may participate to the alteration of martian volcanic rocks through the transport of volatile species.