2008.08.12: Job openings: GCOE Assistant Professor
(Require communication skills in Japanese)
Closing date: Aug 29[link]
2008.08.11: The 1st CPS International School of Planetary Sciences "Dust in Space" will be held on Jan 5-9, 2009. Application deadline: September 22, 2008.[link]
2008.6.20: Our project "Foundation of International Center for Planetary Science" is funded as a Global COE program of JSPS
[JSPS GCOE homepage]
[Foundation of International Center for Planetary Science]
2008.03.25: We held a meeting for summarizing activities of our COE program "Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems" (Oct.2003- Mar.2008) on Mar.17, and Mar.18 at Kobe University. [link]
2008.02.28: Press Conference on Planet X was held on February 26 at National Astronomical Observatory, and on February 27 at Kobe University. [link]
2007.12.27: Springers Lecture Notes in Physics Series "Small Bodies in Planetary Systems" : PDF files are available. [link]
2007.12.21: Dr. Patryk Lykawka and Prof. Tadashi Mukai carried out extensive simulations for dynamical evolution of planetesimal disks. The simulation reproduces all main aspects of trans-Neptunian belt architecture and offers the presence of outer planet with mass of 0.3-0,7 Earth mass, later acquired an inclined stable orbit (>100 AU;20-40 deg). [link]
2007.11.30: Web page of our activities is available.
2007.10.31: Graduate School of Science, Kobe University and Cote d'Azur Observatory have made convention with the objective of fostering academic exchange and cooperation.
2007.04.01: "Center for Planetary Science" is founded as a part of the Center of Excellence Program, COEPS, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University