トップ > プラネタリスクール > 2004

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Dr. Nicolas MangoldGeomorphology of Mars
He gave the lecture on various characteristics of Martian landforms, which can be utlized to reconstruct past climates. Firstly he presented major geological characterisitcs of the Mars. Then, recent erosinal landforms; a cold desert and ancient landforms were discussed with a view to understanding the early Martian environment.

[PDF (7MB)] [PDF (23MB)] [PDF (19MB)]
Streaming Video:: [1/2] [2/2]

Dr. Kei KuritaDistant Mirrors to illuminate
our understanding of the Earth
He introduced large scale debris flow of Mars with the role of volatiles in the debris based on simulation and experiments. Then, morphology of Martian volcanoes were presented by comparing between Mars and Earth. Following this, evolution of icy satellies were also discussed considering the simniarity between Earth and icy satellites.

[PDF (7MB)]
Streaming Video:: [1/1]

Dr. Yoshiko Ogawa An Approach to Hydrology on Mars
-one possible scenario of forming outflow channels-
She presented the research on the formation of outflow channel shown on the Martian surface. She made the model in which the chaotic terrains and the melting of permafrost are treated. She also gave the reviews of surface water environment on Mars.

[PDF (5MB)]
Streaming Video:: [1/1]

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