アブストラクト |
Pan-STARRS is an innovating wide-field imaging facility which performs systematic cyclical sky survey for the first time. The first prototype telescope PS1 has been built at the summit of Haleakala, and PS1 Sky Survey is now being carried out by PS1 Science Consortium. The combination of 1.8-m F/4 telescope and Gigapixel camera yield the field-of-view of 7 sq. deg. PS1 Sky Survey provides supreme datasets for time-domain astronomy, and is expected to revolutionize various fields of astronomy, including studies on asteroids, trans-Neptunian objects, variable stars, supernovae, gamma ray bursts, and cosmology. The overview of the project, design of the survey, current performance of the instrument, and initial results are reported. For follow-up observations of PS1 discoveries, a 2-m telescope is being built at Lulin observatory in Taiwan. The visible 4-color simultaneous imager is being developed as a first generation instrument for the 2-m telescope. The scientific goals for this instrument development and current status of the project are introduced. |