Seminar: CPS Seminar
date: 2025 January 17 (Fri) 14:00-
Room: CPS Conference Room and Online (Hybrid meeting)
Speaker: Kana Moriwaki (Assistant professor, RESCEU, the University of Tokyo)
Title: "Analysis of large-scale structure data with deep learning"
Abstract: The large-scale matter distributions tell us the evolution of the Universe as well as its components and initial state. Deep learning can be useful in analyzing observational data of large-scale structures. We have been developing new deep-learning methods for (i) removing noises in observed data and (ii) inferring the governing parameters from observed data. In this talk, I will introduce these methods and also discuss how to tackle the problem of large data requirements in deep learning.
Keywords: deep learning, large-scale structure of the universe
Organizer: MAKINO Junichiro