Seminar: |
CPS Seminar
date: |
2019 March 7 (Thu) 15:00-17:00
room: |
CPS Conference Room
speaker: |
Munetaka Ueno (Project Professor, CPS, Faculty of Science, Kobe University)
title: |
Space science, space development, and Japan
abstract: |
Progress of space science are closely coupled with the space development itself. At the early stage of this field, the evolution of the space transportation technology actually expands our horizon, and the growth was dramatically high in those days. After 50 years from the first human step on the moon, space projects are already more than the average size of "Large scale science", since tasty fruit can not be found at a lower tree, and the cooperative projects are major trend instead of the competitive atmosphere. International collaborations in space missions make serious difficulties in some cases, because projects in different countries are operated in different manners. This talk will give a recent situation of space development, background of international collaborations, and personal view on the space missions.
keywords: |
space science, space development, international collaboration