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Our solar system is filled with a plenty of small dust grains, which originate from comets and asteroids. The existence of these grains can be recognized, for instance, as the zodiacal light. The Earth is obviously surrounded by such dust grains. Tons of the grains are expected to collide with the Earth's atmosphere every day. Part of the grain's kinetic energy is emitted in a form of light, which is recognized as a meteor phenomenon. The brightness distribution of faint meteors will constrain the mass distribution of small interplanetary dust grains around the Earth. Video observation with a wide-field camera is promising to detect faint meteors. Tomo-e Gozen is an extremely wide-field CMOS mosaic camera developed for the 105-cm Kiso Schmidt telescope, which is equipped with 84 CMOS sensors and monitor the 20-square-degree sky at 2 Hz. With a prototype of Tomo-e Gozen, we confirmed that Tomo-e Gozen can detect faint meteors down to 12 mag and about 2,000 meteor events can be detected per night (Ohsawa+ 2019, P&SS, 165, 281). In the talk, I'm gong to illustrate details of the observations with the prototype and to introduce some early result of an on-going project, simultaneous observations of faint meteors with RISH MU radar and Tomo-e Gozen.