date: 2008 Nov 13(Thu) 15:00 - 17:00
room: Kobe University, Shizen Bldg. #3, room 508,
Nagoya University,
Hokkaido University,
University of Aizu,
Miyagi University of Education,
NAOJ. Mitaka,
(This seminar is a teleconference by the use of video-conferencing system.)
speaker: Prof. Keith Holsapple (Dept. Aeronautics and Astronautics, Univ. of Washington)
organizer: Dr.Akiko Nakamura (Kobe University)
title: The spin data for asteroids:
what does that tell us about their properties?
abstract: Many aspects of our studies on the small bodies of the solar system require information about their internal properties, especially their porosity and strength. It is precisely those global properties that give the ability to withstand or to be destroyed during spin-up, tidal passages and impacts. I will discuss the elements of porosity and strength that are needed. I will present some of my recent theory on the spin limits for small bodies. A comparison of those theories to the actual spin data is presented, that comparison gives the only ground truth we have on the actual mechanical properties of those bodies.