トップ > プラネタリスクール > 2004

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Dr. Anthony Toigo Martian Dynamic Meteorology
He gave the lecture on Dynamic meteorology of Mars. Firstly, the overview of comparative planetology in terms of atmospheres was given. Then, brief introduction to atmospheric dynamics were introduced. Following this, the comparative planetology between Mars and Earth were disscussed with the participants.

[PDF (15MB)]
Streaming Video :: [1/2] [2/2]

Dr. Claire Newman The Climate and Paleoclimate of Mars
Her lecture encompasses Martian climate and paleoclimate. Investigative tools and techniques were firstly introduced. Then review of the present climate and the variability were presented with mechanisms and simulations. Paleoclimate of the past Martian environment were also introduced with the evidence and theories.

[PDF (9MB)]
Streaming Video :: [1/2] [2/2]

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